主催 脚本・演出 プロデュース
2022年6月 ロンドンで開催した英国俳優とのワークショップ公演
“PowerMime” from Japan – Actors Open Workshop
Lilian Baylis Studio, London
Feedback 参加俳優の声
The workshop with director Zennosuke was excellent. I found the concept really exciting and freeing in general. Just the thought that you can create ANY scenario and ANY emotion with your body and that your body will be as true as it can be is minblowing.
How using Powermime we were able to tell a very powerful story – as it was mainly movement derived from lines without speaking lines!
I had a magical time working with Zennosuke and the team. I felt welcomed, safe to play and I loved the discipline and demand that was requested. I really liked that it wasn’t about ‘performing’ but more of an exploration of characters, story and most importantly, the truth and honesty we needed to achieve in order to be clear and find the emotional connection.
善之介とチームと一緒に魔法のような時間を過ごしました。 私は歓迎されていると感じ、安心して演じることができましたし、規律や演出がとても気に入りました。「演じる」のではなく、登場人物やストーリーの探究、特に感情のつながりを達成するために真実と誠実さの探求をするところが本当に好きでした。